I just want to communicate from my heart.

So, this all begins by my saying to myself: "I want to just be able to communicate using my heart… I'm done with words."

My heart says: It loves you.

My heart says: I'm blissful, joyful and happy.

My heart says: I'm beautiful.

My heart says: It loves me.

My heart says: Everything is loved.

My heart says: There is no difference between one person and another, or an animal, or plant—it loves it all equally.

My heart says: it's your heart.

My heart says: it's the eternal heart that resides within all things.

My heart says: it can speak through words.

My heart says: it's okay—no matter what it is, it's okay.

I say: These are all words.

My heart says: words are part of all of existence and that learning to listen to the heart through words is part of why we've incarnated as physical beings.

My heart says: The feeling behind the words is what contains the message.

My heart says: Don't listen to the words with your ears; listen with your heart.

My heart says: To hear the words of the heart, we must listen with the heart.

My heart says: It loves me.

My heart says: It loves you.

My heart says: We are all one unified beingness of totality, manifest into an illusion of separateness so that we may learn to love itself.

My heart says: I am my heart.

My heart says: You are your heart.

My heart says: Your heart and my heart, and you and I are all the same.

My heart reminds me: It's okay to forget—that's why I'm here—it's what I signed up for when taking this incarnation.

My heart says: No matter what has happened, what is happening or what will happen, it's all perfect. This too, is okay.

My heart says: It's okay to be upset, angry, frustrated and sad—all those things help manifest the unification to myself.

My heart asks me to love myself.

My heart asks me to love everyone.

My heart asks me to feel the loving language of it and to emanate it out through words.

My heart says: I can speak words from my heart.

My heart reminds me: Words are part of it all, and the feeling behind them is what brings meaning.

My heart says: No matter what the words are that are spoken, the way the listener feels is the message that will be received by the heart.

My heart says: To receive loving messages, I must feel loved.

My heart says: It loves me.

My heart reminds me: It is me, and therefore, I love myself.

My heart reminds me: It is all things, and therefore I love everything.

My heart reminds me: It is all things, and therefore everything loves me.

My heart says: I am loved.

My heart says: All words can be perceived as loving.

And so it is.

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