This morning, I got up in enough time to make a green smoothie this morning!!! FINALLY.
I feel like it's the beginning of more raw for the winter.
I'm noticing a trend. I like raw in the winter. Once the warm weather hit last spring I ate much less raw than I did during the winter. But now that it's getting chilly again I'm looking for feeling better inside.
I think this will work for now... because I used to really over eat and gain wait during the winter, and last winter that didn't happen. So, hopefully it'll be another raw winter for me. I'm really thankful that I have friends around who really care for their bodies, and are choosy about what goes into their bodies. It really helps me to be more aware of what I'm consuming.
If you're curious, here's what I put into the smoothie:
5 mint leaves
3 kale leaves
1/2 banana
1/2 apple
juice of a whole lemon (half probably would have been enough)
a bunch of pineapple
1 wheatgrass shot
I feel SO full of energy and life. My vision seems more clear too for some reason. Like my eyes can open up wider.
I'm going to try to stay raw until noon today.