The law of attraction & power of intention…

Last week I watched The Secret for the first time. I must admit that I've been avoiding it because of how mainstream it's been.
So, why did I watch it now, after resisting it for so long? Well, I was bored and it appeared in a list of spiritual growth movies on Netflix… so I watched it.

I wasn't surprised how simplified it felt. Watching it inspired me and helped me feel empowered. But I wanted more information.

I guess I must have manifested more information because I came across a video of Esther and Jerry Hicks and the non-physical entity Abraham, called "The Secret Behind The Secret". Ooh… how intriguing!

For YEARS I've been aware of Abraham, Esther and Jerry, and the idea of what they teach. I learned of their book "Ask and it is given" many years ago, though I've never read it. I was under the impression that I just *knew* what was in it. Because I thought I knew, I never investigated further into their teachings… until now.

It's funny how life brings us around in circles.

About 5 years ago I began listening to a podcast called "Flowdreaming", which discusses the law of attraction and includes instructional meditations for how to manifest our desires. From there I've been guided on an interesting journey, learning from teachers like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass, Gil Fronsdal, Tara Brach… And now I'm back to where I began—at manifesting—learning from Esther, Jerry and Abraham.

It feels right to be back here. As I said in my last post, I need to feel good! Vibrationally, energetically, spiritually GOOD! The past few days, since watching "The Secret Behind The Secret" I've felt great. So, now without further delay. Here are the 3 parts to The secret behind the secret for you to watch too!

November 2, 2012 edit: Unfortunately the videos I had linked to originally have been removed from the internet. I cannot seem to find them again online.

The video is still available for purchase on DVD. I highly recommend it!

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